Friday, March 19, 2010

The story of life at the moment...

Soooo... I guess I'll make a real entry just to let anyone who blunders into this vortex of rambling know what's going on in my world.

Ryan is 7.75-ish months old and teething like crazy. He's very upset and doesn't want to eat, sleep, be held or be left alone. It's extremely frustrating but there's not a whole lot I can do for him right now.

On top of that our house is on the market so every spare moment is meant to be spent cleaning. It's causing some friction between Franky and I because A) I have a very hard time leaving Ryan to cry as I vacuum or whatever [I prefer to have Franky here so he can play with Ryan as I do the vacuuming/dishes/sweeping/etc or vice versa] and B) because I'm so bloody lonely and I really need time on Gaia or MSN to talk to people. Having a baby has made me feel really isolated and it's not helped by the fact that I can't drive. Even then I wouldn't trade Ryan for anything...

We have a potential buyer for the house... But the company is trying to screw us over for our new place... They're trying to refuse the lot we picked even though they told us before we could have it. And they've apparently raised the price of the model of house we're planning to buy by several thousand dollars. So now we're contemplating going back into the PMQ's... Which wouldn't be a complete catastrophe since it would help us pay off our debts but we escaped them because of the mold, mildew, asbestos...

All in all... Everything is going slightly awry. It could be worse of course. But it's been a rather arduous week.

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